Pokemon Gold And Silver
From A Scale 1 to 10: Overall Rating: 7.5 Poke may be old but is not totally dead. Still millions of elementary schoolerslove this game. If Nintendo had banned such a thing, the entire children race wouldbe more than astonished. As being one of the biggest Gameboy Color sequels, Poke ison it's way to making big history. I would consider Poke as an RPG. Even if most RPG's are made by Squaresoft. Under that would probably be Enix, Ubisoft, and Natsume. Poke is a fairlylong RPG. Though there are not so many towns and villages. Most things are invillages and a repeated a whole lot. The objective of Pokemon is fairly undecided. It may be fun and all, but what'syour goal? I at first thought you have to be a Pokémon master by beating all thePokemon trainers and all the gym leaders. Then I had thought you had to get all 251of the Pokemon. Of course, this I did. No one really does anything if you getthem all. The graphics are a lot better in Poke than in the red, yellow, and blue versions. It still is no match for GBA, but it's cool. |