Raider 2, 3, 4 (Last Rev.), 5 (Chronicles)
A Shrine To Great Explorer Lara Croft
Tomb Raider - 2
Click Here For TheComplete
Walkthrough (.ZIP File)
Cheats (PC):
Level Skip: Pull out a flare (forward slash
key),then walk one step forward, walk one step back, turn around three times in any
direction,then jump forward.
All Weapons and Ammo: Pull out a flare (forward slash key), then walk one step
forward,walk one step back, turn around three times in any direction, then jump backwards
(that'sback flipalt + down arrow). (NOTE: This also includes med-packs.)
So what happens if you don't pull out a flare first? Lara blows to smithereens. Not
apretty sight,
believe me.
Tomb Raider - 3
ClickHere For The Complete
Walkthrough (.ZIP File)
Cheats (Playstation):
All weapons: Quickly press L2, R2 (2x), L2 (4x),
R2,L2, R2 (2x), L2, R2 (2x), L2 (2x),
R2, L2 (2x), R2 during game play.
Level skip: Quickly press L2, R2, L2 (2x), R2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2 (4x), R2, L2, R2 (4x),L2
during game play.
All secrets: Quickly press L2 (5x), R2, L2 (3x), R2, L2, R2, L2 (2x), R2, L2 (2x), R2,
L2(2x) during game play. (NOTE: This gives you a score of 8 secrets for any one level.
Inorder to access the bonus level at the end of the game, you need to find or cheat
at least 59 secrets during the course of the game.)
Race key in Lara's house: Quickly press R2, L2 (3x), R2, L2 (6x), R2, L2 (5x), R2, L2
(2) during game play.
Full health: Quickly press R2 (2x), L2, R2, L2 (6x), R2, L2 (3x), R2, L2 (5x) during
game play.
Tomb Raider -4 - The Last Revelation
ClickHere For The Complete
Walkthrough (.ZIP File)
Cheats (Playstation):
Level Skip: Use the compass to position Lara
facingexactly North.** Then go into
the inventory screen. Highlight the Load Game selection, press and hold L1 L2 R1 R2
and Up simultaneously for a moment. Then press Triangle.
All Weapons: Use the compass to position Lara facing exactly North.** Then go into
the inventory screen. Highlight the small med-pack selection (if that doesn't work, try
the small med-pack), press and hold L1 L2 R1 R2 and Up simultaneously for a moment.
Then press Triangle.
All Items: First read the important warning above. Use the compass to position Lara
facing exactly North.** Then go into the inventory screen. Highlight the large
med-pack selection (if that doesn't work, try the small med-pack), press and hold L1
L2 R1 R2 and Down simultaneously for a moment. Then press Triangle.
All Special Items (keys, artifacts, etc.): First read the important warning above.
Use the compass to position Lara facing exactly North.** Then go into the inventory
screen. Highlight the large medpack selection, press and hold R1 R2 L1 L2 and Down
for a moment. Then press Square, Triangle, Circle.
Tomb Raider - 5 -Chronicles
Walkthrough Only:
Click Here For The Complete
Walkthrough (.TXT File)