News Archive November 28, '01 This place hasn't been updated in a while. A new banner has been put up which has Final Fantasy 8's Squall. Most importantly, new forums are up! Click here to go there now! Please join. October 28, '01 I've got another review up for Zelda: Links Awakening DX for GBC. My hit counter is really messed up. I can assure you tht at this point, there are 710 hits. October 8-9, '01 Here's another layout, now using frames again. I thought it may be better since it's easier to update and all. I am making many reviews for games now. I think I'll keep this for a longer time. I hope you like this. My banner is totally new too! October 2, '01 A new icon at the top! Sonic's cool! September 16, '01 How do you like my new layout? I love it! Please August 26, '01 I added a Breath Of Fire page with walkthroughs. I made my ownbanner as well. I'm pretty sure it will be a limited time banner though, I might make anew one. Since school is here, I fixed minor changes and got ready to get into schoolmode. The next time I update this site will be on a holiday; maybe a weekend and surelyChristmas. August 22, '01 I added a Gundam Page. I even spent a lot of time making skinsfor Winamp! Download them at my downloads page. August 9, '01 I got lots of more ROMS now. I added lots of cheats and I have a August 5, '01 Now I have an Emulatorsand ROMS page. I have many ROMS on it. And for you all Netscape users, now you can seemy site as well as IE users. August 3, '01 I now got a lot more MIDIs and I'm pretty much re-MIDI-ing mywebsite. July 26, '01 I made my e-mail address different July '01 And Some June '01
July 2001 June 2001 April 2001 January 2000 September '99 A Long Time Ago (Around 1997) |